Monday, August 11, 2008

Maruti's Latest Ad Rocks

Not sure since when, but I've been an ad-buff ever since Televisions were part of our houses (so read, "forever"). Used to be a die-hard fan of "Dream Merchants" which if I recall correctly used to be aired at a God forsaken hour (10:30 pm) on weekdays! But it was definitely worth every minute of it. And luckily for those non-commercial days, it wasn't a programme between ads (it was more of a prog abt ads). So it was 30 mins of gr8 fun watching ads from India, and then the cherry on top used to be the international ads in the end. Now for an era when internet was not even talked abt (or maybe hadn't even touched India), this part of the programme used to be awesome! But then again, what I love about India is that we've reached those levels ourselves today! Our ads match any international standard at any parameter (class, quality, logic, emotions and skin). Maruti's new ad is just one of those!
An ad succeeds if you have goose flesh at the end of it. You know it's struck you at the right place! Maruti's ad on "India comes home in a Maruti" is just that. From a newly wed woman to a student wanting to go home with the placard reading "Need to be home for Diwali", it is just the perfect blend of celebration, love and Indian-ness put together just so perfectly! Add to it, the music....jingles are sure enough a striker, and this one's sure to make you tap your heartbeat to the rhythm there! Way to go Indiaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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